Friday, October 12, 2007

What do you think of the new UUA ad campaign?

IUUSA Fellowship Event

Friday, October 19th at 6:00 is the confirmed date for our IUUSA fellowship event at First Universalist in Denver. I would imagine it will run for a couple of hours. If you can't stay that long, please attend for as long as you can.

The event will convene with a worship service followed by fellowship (with food being provided by First Universalist) and an opportunity for everyone to meet with potential mentors. We will also discuss some planning for future events. If you would like to contribute items to the agenda, please email me and I will include them on the docket.

At each meeting in the following months it would be interesting to have students and or clergy offer mini-workshops on various topics concerning the ordination process, church dynamics, worship, etc. I'm imagining 20 or 30 minutes at most. We can have more discussion on this at the event. I will offer a brief workshop this coming Friday on what contemporary worship can mean for Unitarian Universalists to get the ball rolling.

Students, please let me know if you are interested in planning the service. I have at least one volunteer and would love to have a couple more.

Many thanks to Aaron and Kirk at First Universalist for their wonderful hospitality.

If anyone would like to reply to this post, please add to the conversation.

Warm Regards

Joe Stone

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Not because I want to start turf wars or evoke bad feelings, nor because I have anything against the IUUSA blog, but because I (like many UU's, many USians and many of my generations) have a deep seeded need to have my OWN thing, and also because I am afraid that maybe I don't toe the UU party line . . . .I wanted to make folks aware of my own little UU blog, located just a hop jump and skip away, also on blogspot.

Fair warning that my particular personal issues insofar as UUism goes have been tending towards
1) a fair amount of confusion about what the hell I'm doing in seminary when I used to be a kid-forever wannabepunk
2) some frustration about what it means to be a UU lifer in a religion of very few other lifers
3) some misdirected anger about the reality that I am aging
4) the intersections of those

I caution you all that sometimes I let my thoughts get away from me and really I'm just trying to figure things out and really I'm so f'ing happy that y'all exist at Iliff because yer smart and funny and also UU's.

Anyway if, after all those caveats, you still wanna stop by, you should.
