Friday, October 12, 2007

What do you think of the new UUA ad campaign?


Robin Edgar said...

Well, since you asked. . .

I think that the UUA's national marketing campaign is quite fraudulent. I consider it to be highly misleading if not outright false advertising.

stone said...


I'm sorry that you had such a negative experience at your church in
Quebec. I think the beautiful nature of the Unitarian Universalist movement is that every church determines it's own path. I'm sure you will find many UU's who would embrace your experience. The culture at one UU church can vary significantly to the next.

I pray you find some resolution to your discontent.

Robin Edgar said...

Hi Joe,

Thank you for your response to my post, and thanks also for not simply memory holing it as many U*Us would do.

My negative experience extends well beyond the Unitarian Church of Montreal. My negative experience included intolerant and abusive behaviour on the part of a fundamentalist atheist "Humanist" U*U minister, when I filed a formal complaint about it with the UUA they pretended that he had done nothing wrong and even went so far as to effectively endorse his anti-religious bigotry by asserting that his demeaning and abusive behaviour, as I described in it considerable detail in my original letter of grievance, "seemed to us to be within the appropriate guidelines of ministerial leadership". . .

:I think the beautiful nature of the Unitarian Universalist movement is that every church determines it's own path.

That could just as easily be seen a rather ugly aspect of the Unitarian*Universalist movement when U*U "churches" can quite evidently determine highly misguided paths that make a total mockery of the claimed principles and purposes of U*Uism but cannot be held accountable for breaking U*U "covenants". Does the path taken by the Unitarian Church of Montreal look beautiful to you?

The only viable resolution to my discontent is for both the Unitarian Church of Montreal, and the UUA, to clearly and unequivocally acknowledge the injustices and abuses that they are responsible for and then to adequately redress those injustices. I have been waiting for over a decade for both of these institutions to stop stonewalling and defending the indefensible but neither of them seem inclined to actually practice justice, equity and compassion in their human relations with me. Indeed the UUA would seem to have a terrible track record when it comes to providing genuine justice, equity and compassion to victims of clergy misconduct of all kinds.